Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In Memory of...

This pretty much sums it up....

In memory of...

sending you peace,


Erin said...

So moving, Eri...beautiful...brought tears to my eyes...thank you for posting, my BFF...love and miss you. :) XOXO

jess said...

Such a beautiful and moving post. I have the most magical view out of my back porch right now of the two towers of light. Just spending some time taking in the memorial and remembering.... Thanks for your continued inspiration!!!

Erica Mazzeo said...

Eri, thank you - sending some NY love to you across the miles and thinking of you* xoxo

Erica Mazzeo said...

Jess, thank you so much for sharing such a powerful experience - it must have been quite an amazing sight... xoxo love you*