Monday, February 6, 2012

A miracle is simply a shift in perception....

I recently saw Gabrielle Bernstein speak with Kris Carr at the Ridgefield Playhouse in Connecticut and she was absolutely inspiring. Her work is based mostly around the spiritual text A Course in Miracles but I think it is applicable to anyone who is open minded and ready to receive some wonderful advice. Check out her video - I couldn't agree more with what she shares about friendly romance. In the past few years especially, I feel so grateful to have nurtured and harvested my friendly romances with others. I have been lucky enough to build more intimate bonds with friends, nature, my artistic journey, animals, plants, spirituality, myself....I feel so blessed.

xoxo, Erica


jess said...

Fantastic and inspirational - I love the message!!! Thanks so much for sharing.

Erica Mazzeo said...

Thanks Jess! Yes, Gabrielle's work is pretty awesome and I especially love this message!!! xoxoxooxo